Saturday, 22 March 2014

                        Grand launching of Mozilla Club BIES 

Hi Mozillians this is the bolg of Mozilla club BIES Inauguration Program.  It's my happiest moment to share this bolg with you.After Applying FSA I have Started contributing in mozilla a part of this we went to BIES and started club in their colleges. Mozilla Club BIES is grandly launched on March,04th 2014.

Event Started around 11AM they have invited all the dignitaries of their college .The fisrt proceedings Started with Lightening of lamp(Jyothi Prajwlana).Later Dr.Rajendra Prasad garu (Chairmen -BALAJI GROUP OF INSTITUTIONS)gave a keynote on Mozilla Club  BIES ,he expressed his views on this technology and how to lead .


Chairmen(BIES)Dr.A.Rajendra Prasad
After his speech the staff coordinators for Mozilla Club BIES spoke about club its advantages what are the activities have to do by club members how to enroll yourself as a FSA.

After that we and they had logo launch session for Mozilla Club Bies .

Now the actual session has been started .First the session Started  by Hema Bhanu(REP).Its overwhelming response from the Club members they are very enthusiastic .Hema Bhanu explained about WOMOZ project how to do and how to contribute being FSA and its projects. Hema is very enthusiastic ,She also shared about her experiences like attending Mozilla Summit @ Santa Clara. In all it was a great session. all of them had enjoyed Hema's session.

HEMA'S Interative session on WOMOZ

After Hema session Ajay Kumar -Developer Fire Fox OS Handled the session .He explained about what FSA programme and how to register for that and advantages which we get from and also introduced Fire fox Os .It was really a fantastic speech he rocked the floor.he got great response from the club members

after that Ajay told over duties that being club lead can do ,How to Build Fire Fox app and how to submit in FireFox Market Place.All of them are eager to learn .It was fantastic day in my life.All of them enjoyed the sessions covered by hema and ajay.

Finally we had Group photo with MCW(MOZILLA CLUB WARANGAL)

Finally a big thankx to Mozilla Club Warangal
And also our active team mates of (JFS)

Saisharan Amaravadhi,
FireFox Student Ambassdor,
(Jayamukhi Firefox Club),

Wednesday, 5 February 2014

‪#‎firefoxstudents‬, ‪#‎mozilla‬

My First FSA Meetup was held on Feb 06,2014. It was a meetup of all Firefox Student Ambassadors Where every one was assembled to know about the FSA Program. Apart from FSA's , we also had some other students who shown interest in attending this meetup. This meetup was all about the Jayamukhi Firefox Club and the activities Which the FSA's are planning in this Club and their interest towards the projects in Mozilla. I (Saisharan Amaravadhi) have organized this meetup to explain them about how to get started as an FSA and how to contribute in various Projects. In, this meetup we discussed about the FSA Program, different Projects of Mozilla like Webmaker, Localization, SUMO Project and Community Building. This meetup was very interactive and many students got to know how to get started in Mozilla as a Contributor. We are Planning for the next FSA Meetup Soon.....